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  • James G Triathlon

30-Minute Home HIIT Bodyweight Workout for Triathletes

Whether you're training for an endurance event, trying to find new ways to keep fit or having trouble finding time to exercise, a 30-minute home HIIT bodyweight workout is a great addition to your weekly workout routine.

The 30-minute HIIT home bodyweight workout in this post has 3 main benefits:

  1. increase your VO2 max

  2. build a stronger core

  3. burn more calories + fat

Let's take a closer look at each benefit in more detail.

What is VO2 max?

Entire books could be written about this VO2 max!

Simply put, it's the amount of oxygen your body can use during exercise.

When we exercise hard, more oxygen is being delivered to our muscles via red blood cells. The more oxygen we can deliver, the easier exercise will feel. Sounds good, right?

This is the key benefit of training to improve your VO2 max.

Studies have shown that HIIT improves your VO2 max because it forces your heart to work at a maximum effort for short intervals, alternating with short periods of recovery.

Working your heart rate at intense levels will naturally increase your VO2 max.

Why is a Strong Core Important?

Again, a full in-depth answer is beyond the scope of this post.

Needless to say, having a strong core is super important for everyone, not just triathletes.

If you work in an office, having a strong core will allow you to keep a better posture and avoid having back problems. Our core is also used for simple activities such as mopping the floor or putting away the dishes.

For endurance athletes, a strong core is essential to prevent injury, keep better form and allow our muscles to work more efficiently.

How does HIIT Burn Fat?

High-intensity workouts are by definition short and intense.

One study compared the calories burned during 30 minutes each of HIIT, weight training, running and biking.

The researchers found that HIIT burned 25–30% more calories than the other forms of exercise.

And you're burning these calories in a lot less time!

The other standout benefit is that your metabolism is higher in the hours after you exercise, helping you to burn fat and lose weight while you sit watching Netflix!

This is because of EPOC (Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption), also known as the "afterburn effect".

The Workout

With this ladder style workout, you're going to add 1 more exercise each time until you reach "the top of the ladder" and then remove one exercise as you come back down.

Working for 30 seconds at high-intensity is gonna get your blood pumping and your lungs working overtime.

The 20 seconds of rest will give you a little bit of recovery, but not enough to recover fully. This is how you'll improve your VO2 max.

Round 1

Jumping Jacks for (30s) + Rest (20s)

Round 2

Jumping Jacks(30s) + Lunges (30s) + Rest (20s)

Round 3

Jumping Jacks(30s) + Lunges (30s) + Push Ups (30s) + Rest (20s)

Round 4

Jumping Jacks(30s) + Lunges (30s) + Push Ups (30s) + Squats (30s) + Rest (20s)

Round 5

Jumping Jacks(30s) + Lunges (30s) + Push Ups (30s) + Squats (30s) + Ab Bicycles + Rest (20s)

Round 6

Jumping Jacks(30s) + Lunges (30s) + Push Ups (30s) + Squats (30s) + Ab Bicycles + Burpees + Rest (20s)

Round 7

Lunges (30s) + Push Ups (30s) + Squats (30s) + Ab Bicycles + Burpees + Rest (20s)

Round 8

Push Ups (30s) + Squats (30s) + Ab Bicycles + Burpees + Rest (20s)

Round 9

Squats (30s) + Ab Bicycles + Burpees + Rest (20s)

Round 10

Ab Bicycles + Burpees + Rest (20s)

Round 11

Burpees (30s)

And Breathe!!

It will start off easy. Don't be fooled!

By the time you've reached the top of the ladder you should be starting to sweat and be struggling to make a sentence (if you really want to speak to someone!)

Have fun with this workout. It's a fantastic way to keep strong and healthy and will only take 30 minutes of your day.

Credit to Funk Roberts for creating this savage workout! Cheers man!!

You can check out the full video here:

When doing this, or any other HIIT workout, remember these key tips:

  • the 30 seconds should be high-intensity

  • focus on the exercises one at a time

  • quality is better than quantity

  • take deep breaths in the 20 seconds rest

  • drink water + keep hydrated

  • SMILE!

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