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Early Morning Ride 13 Nov 2018!

First real run out on the new road bike, the B'Twin Triban

520! Also with my new saddle bag, a Roswheel Dry Series bag, bought from Lazada for 320 Baht! I'll review the bag in a separate post..... I was really keen to see what the difference would be between my new road bike and my other bike, the hyrbid Giant Escape. My previous b

est on this route was 3:35 on the Giant, and beat that today with a time of 3:23 :)

Left home around 0630, a bit late to beat the early morning traffic but still nice and cool as the sun hadn't really kicked into full action yet! Had a couple of big plates of Ga Phrao Chicken last night, cooked up by Namfon's mum, which was pretty spicy, so I set off with a slight worry about how my stomach was going to hold up!!

The first few KMs were quite busy, but after turning off the main road you're presented with a really great ride through the countryside. The roads are good enough and fairly quiet so you don't have to worry too much about traffic. The other great thing about cycling this route is that you see some great things, from old ladies barbecuing up some meats on the roadside, people being blessed by monks, children going into School and guys using fishing rifles to shoot fish in the canals!! Riding past some of those barbecues, getting the smells up your nose, it's so hard not to stop and start chomping on some pork!

There was a section of around 5-10km with a big headwind, but with the new bike, getting down into the drops made it much easier. I was also able to open up the new saddle bag and get out my nutrition without needing to stop.

The nutrition that I chose to try today was my usual 2 litres of homemade sports drink (500ml OJ, 500ml water, 1 teaspoon of salt). This is a good alternative to buying ready-made sports drinks and is a bit cheaper. The OJ can provide some good sugars and the salt helps to keep your sodium levels up after sweating. There was maybe a little bit too much OJ, so I'll cut it down a bit next time. For food I took 1 coffee cake and 1 pack of Jelly Beans! The cake and Jelly Beans got me through this ride and are much cheape

r than 2 energy gels at 80b a pop. For longer rides I'll definitely be needing some gels though. Will experiment with some different foods next time!!

Overall, very happy ride this morning. Looking forward to the next ride and going quicker. Next up is to get out on a run and go to test out the swimming pool at Rangsit Uni!


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