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First Tri Dash of 2020!

Top fun at the first Tri Dash of the year. Went into it with zero expectations and super happy with the final result, considering it was the second time I’d been on a bike and first time I’d been swimming in the past 5 months!!

Swim leg (400m) was fairly loose. Not much technique going on and a fair bit of gliding. I find the swim is so dependent on technique, that any time away from the pool has a much bigger impact than time off the bike or running. Was about 45s down on last year. Time to dig out them swim paddles again!

Bike leg (20k) was about a minute down on my 2 races last year. Could feel the old lactic acid building up pretty quickly when I raised the tempo, so had to make sure I had some gas in the tank for the run leg. Will be some decent training coming up the next few weeks at Solar Track before February’s race.

Super happy with the run leg (5k) and actually went quicker than my best from last year. 15th overall quickest in the whole field on the run. Solid effort. With not much training over the last couple of months, I reckon I can get down to 20 mins this year.

Overall, a good benchmark for the rest of the year and for sure plenty of room for improvement.

Roll on the “Long Dash” in Feb (800m swim, 40k bike, 10k run!

Here's a comparison form January 2020 compared to the 2 races from 2019

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